The show is produced by Alumni Ventures, which has been recognized as a "Top 20 Venture Firm" by CB Insights ('24) and as the "#1 Most Active Venture Firm in the US" by Pitchbook ('22 & '23).
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Latest Episodes
#87 - Meet the Startup Changing How We Authenticate Everything
In this Meet the Startup episode of the Alumni Ventures Tech Optimist Podcast, Lucas Pasch sits down with Chad Gerstensang, co-founder and CEO of UNIXi, to explore how...
#86 - Meet the Startup Redefining Blockchain Speed and Decentralization
In this Meet the Startup episode of the Alumni Ventures Tech Optimist Podcast, we spotlight Quai Network, a trailblazer in blockchain scalability and decentralization....
#85 - Meet the Startup Turning Employee Departures Into Brand-Building Opportunities
In this Meet the Startup episode of the Alumni Ventures Tech Optimist Podcast, Mike Collins, CEO and Founder of Alumni Ventures, sits down with Andy Hamilton, CEO and ...
#84 - Three Breakthroughs: AlphaFold 3
In this Three Breakthroughs episode of the Alumni Ventures Tech Optimist Podcast, host Mike Collins, Founder and CEO of Alumni Ventures, is joined by Senior Principal ...
#83 - Introducing Two: The Fintech Making B2B Purchases As Easy as B2C
In this Meet the Startup episode of the Alumni Ventures Tech Optimist Podcast, Laura Rippy, Managing Partner at Alumni Ventures, interviews Andreas Mjelde, CEO and Co-...